Does Menopause Make You Feel Irritable Or Depressed?

Many women refer to menopause as a roller coaster ride because their emotions can fluctuate up and down. Two of the feelings associated with menopause are irritability and depression.

The lower hormone levels can cause these feelings to rise in ways that may surprise you. Some women have described the escalating irritability or depression as PMS – times ten.

The irritability associated with menopause may cause you to get angry more easily than usual. You may feel impatience and anger in situations where you don’t normally feel it.

This heightened emotional state may cause you to be snippy in your responses to others where you used to speak calmly and politely. It can make you react more physically – for example, if you’re angry with someone on the phone, you want to throw the phone across the room.

When your hormone levels were normal, you wouldn’t have exhibited this behavior. Being irritable due to menopause can also make you less understanding of the needs of others – even those closest to you.

It may cause you to say things that are less kind than you normally would. You may fly off the handle at the slightest provocation and become so angry that you get upset over little things – such as being held up in traffic or having to wait in line at the supermarket.

Depression during menopause can manifest itself in a variety of ways. You may have difficulty at home or at work with activities you used to excel at.

You may find that you withdraw from other people – even loved ones – because you just want to be alone. Another sign of menopausal depression is feeling that nothing is going right.

You may cry and not know why. Fortunately, you can manage these feelings during menopause with lifestyle changes or medication.

If you choose to make lifestyle changes, you can engage in exercises that will help you calm your feelings and relieve the stress that can come with menopause.

Some women choose to do yoga or practice mindfulness. You can also engage in activities that help you focus on something – such as a hobby like painting or writing in a journal.

A healthy diet and regular exercise can also help relieve irritability and depression. Exercise releases your body’s own feel-good hormones, giving you a natural boost that calms you and lifts your mood.

Sometimes hormone replacement therapy is needed to manage emotions triggered by menopause. Check with your doctor about this method, as it is not suitable for everyone.

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